Climate Outlook for Suriname

February – July 2023

The short dry season starts at the beginning of February and will last till the mid of April. The Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) is at the outmost south of Suriname during this period.

Heavy showers and thunderstorms might occasionally occur this season

Precipitation Outlook

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Source: Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH)

Februari –April (FMA) 2023
A high likelihood of wet condition than normal for the season.

May – July (MJJ) 2023
The season is according to climatology.

Temperature Outlook

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Source: Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH)

February – April (FMA) 2023
The temperatures are likely to be normal to warmer.

May – July (MJJ) 2023
The temperatures are likely warmer than normal.

Monthly Rainfall 2023

The daily rainfall for January 2023 varied between 3.0 mm – on a daily basis. The majority of the rainfall was concentrated at Central Suriname. Drier conditions were at the north east coast and South east of Suriname. However the wetter conditions for Suriname continued in January 2023.



The La Niña condition is likely to continue during the season and will still impact the seasonal climate. The wetter than normal condition continues this season and an increment of rainfall is expected in April with a moderate potential for flooding. The temperatures are expected to be normal to warmer in the country.

Climate Advisory

The season will be wetter than normal with a moderate potential to flooding. Therefore, keep maintaining drains in the neighborhoods and around crop beds. Plant on raised beds and place animals on higher grounds. Be prepared for heavy rainfall and thunderstorms.

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Paramaribo - Suriname